Mapraid KML Generator

This page is for use with the WME Mapraid Overlays script. The WKT for each area can be generated on, or a WKT tool of your choosing, if you wish to manually build the areas. Alternatively, a Google MyMaps map can be imported. To do this, select the Google MyMaps Import tab and enter the URL for the Google MyMaps map. Note that this map must be publicly available for it to be used.

Once your KML is generated, upload it to the appropriate country folder in the WME Mapraid Overlays Github. Note that the country folder should be the country code abbreviation used in the Waze Map Editor, which uses FIPS 10-4 country codes.

Enter a unique name for the mapraid: (this name is how it will show in the Mapraid Overlays script)

Enter the number of areas for your mapraid below to get started.

Enter the number of areas:

Google MyMaps link: